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Leading In-Home Care in Atlanta, GA

ACASA Senior Care of South Atlanta provides outstanding in-home care for Atlanta, GA seniors and their families. Our capabilities enable our team to provide top-quality services at affordable rates. We comprise fully bonded and insured caregivers led by a certified nurse practitioner. Our services are intended to give you and your loved one peace of mind, whether they’re in assisted-living or are completing their life journey at home. You can expect our team to provide customized care and attention according to your loved one’s health and well-being, interests, personality, and lifestyle.


Comprehensive Services for Seniors and Families

Families trust us most to provide exceptional care for the seniors in their lives. Our team is trained and certified to fulfill many duties, needs, and wants, including the following:

Meal Preparation

Preparing grocery lists, cooking, and providing healthy meals.


Driving seniors to doctor's appointments, grocery stores, and other locations.

Personal Care

Bathing, dressing, and helping loved ones use the bathroom.

Cognitive Stimulation

Going on walks, playing games, and engaging seniors in stimulating activities.

Light Housekeeping

Doing laundry, casual cleaning, and other light housekeeping tasks.

Medication Reminders

Gently reminding seniors to take their medication on schedule.

a caregiver helping an elderly woman

Personalized Services for Your Loved One

We understand that every senior is different. They have unique medical requirements, conditions, needs, and wants. We provide personalized care along with our general services to give your loved one a great experience. Our team members have spent years caring for patients with dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other memory conditions. We can help your loved one recover from surgery or an accident, ensuring they return to their routine swiftly. Our services include palliative care and relieving seniors during serious illnesses. Our team knows how to navigate Veteran’s benefits and can help former service members and their families get benefits and support.

elderly woman smiling

Compassionate In-Home Care

We understand the hardship and stress family members go through while caring for a loved one on their end-of-life journey or enduring a severe illness. If you need a break, you can depend on ACASA Senior Care of South Atlanta for relief. We are available for 24/7 in-home care. We specialize in caring for seniors in their preferred settings, taking some or all of the burden off family members. We will treat your loved one with compassion, dignity, and respect, serving as a reliable companion throughout the day and night.

Specialized Care

Alzheimer's & Dementia Care
Recovery Care
Mobility Care

Get in Touch with Us Today

Reach out to our team for more information concerning in-home care or to request a courtesy visit.

Request Your Courtesy Visit