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Trusted In-Home Care in Atlanta, GA

ACASA Senior Care of South Atlanta takes care of loved ones when their families or friends are unable. We provide compassionate, dedicated, locally operated in-home care to Atlanta, GA seniors. We have years of experience and knowledge in providing outstanding experiences for seniors and improving their quality of life. We understand that each senior served has unique needs and wants. We customize our services to our clients’ medical requirements and lifestyles, enabling them to receive the right care while maintaining a level of independence. We are your family’s most dependable and devoted in-home care company, with caregiving professionals. We like to think of you as an extension of our family—we invite you into the warm embrace of an agency that truly cares about your loved one, and we hope that our caregivers become part of YOUR family. Our common goal is to help your loved one age in comfort, safety, and with joy!


Why Atlanta Families Choose Us

Our caregivers are trained, skilled, and equipped to provide unmatched services. You can depend on us to cultivate a compassionate, encouraging environment for your loved one. Families and seniors choose us because we are:


We provide 24/7 services for seniors who need constant or routine care.


Our team shows empathy and treats our clients with respect and dignity.


We have years of experience providing seniors with the services they need and want.


We provide high-quality services and aim to fit your budget.

Custom Services

You or your loved ones can choose from many arrangements, assets, and scheduling options.

grandmother and granddaughter outside

The Perfect Care for Your Loved One

With ACASA Senior Care of South Atlanta, finding the proper arrangements and accommodations for your loved one is easy. We treat our clients like our own family, going above and beyond to ensure their needs are met. We’ve spent years of service forming strong bonds and relationships with our clients and their families. During the in-home assessment, we’ll evaluate your loved one’s needs and suggest services and plans based on their circumstances and health. We aim to empower our clients to make the right choices for their well-being and stage of life. Your senior will live as comfortably and as independently as possible.

Get in Touch with Us Today

Reach out to our team for more information concerning in-home care or to request a courtesy visit.

Request Your Courtesy Visit